Sunday, 26 April 2015


Author: Non Pratt (For Over 16s)
RRP: £6.99 
*Suitable for over 16s

Trouble is a unique novel which I thoroughly enjoyed reading.

Hannah, the female protagonist lands herself in a tricky situation (spoiler free!), with nobody to turn to. Until the new boy Aaron Tyler throws her a lifeline.
Their friendship blossoms and soon he becomes one of the very few people that Hannah can rely on. But is Aaron too good to be true?
With messy friendships and her grades slipping, Hannah must take control of her life, with or without Aarons help.

I strongly recommend this book to teenagers who are interested in Young Adult novels because I believe it portrays teenage school friendships very honestly. Non Pratt deals with peer pressure in this story incredibly well and shows you how to deal with it correctly. 

I'm super excited for Non's new book Remix to come out and i'm awaiting a proof copy. I love Non's style of writing! Me and a friend also featured Trouble in our top 5 favorite books so far.

I met Non in October 2014 where she signed my copy of Trouble!

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