Sunday, 26 April 2015


AUTHOR:Heidi Schulz

Meet Jocelyn Hook,a 12 year old who is sent to finishing school by her disappointed grandfather. However she doesn't last there long,she has greater plans.
Recognise the name? That's right,Jocelyn Hook is the daughter of the one and only captain James Hook,the most feared man to walk the land. 
Jocelyn has never met her father and after his tragic death,it is only then that she learns of his end. By a fearsome crocodile, and Jocelyn must avenge his death, or feel a failure for the rest of her life. 
With the help of her trusty new pirate crew,a fairy and her newly formed pirate ship 'Hooks Revenge' hopefully she can defeat her enemy and win the heart of someone back she may of lost forever.
This book is an exciting new read for anyone that loves adventure and believing in yourself. I loved reading this book,it was fast paced with lots of twists and turns along the way! Definitely not plain sailing! A reccomend for everyone.

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